
Song of the Week (The Package - A Perfect Circle)


Song of the Week (Army - Ben Folds)


Song of the Week (Space Oddity - David Bowie)

Sorry, I thought I posted this last week.

Objective C - Categories

If you follow my Twitter account you may have seen a recent posting where I gripe about Objective C. I've recently started working on an iPhone application (re: game) and am therefore learning Objective C in the process. My immediate impressions with Objective C aren't good but I'll save that for a much longer post to come later. One thing I would like to mention now, though, Objective C calls "Categories." You may already have experience with categories if you've done much JavaScript programming (where you modify an object's prototype), C#'s extension methods, or re-opening a class in Ruby. I had worked with object prototypes in JavaScript before but I guess I never really caught on to just what was happening.

Categories are a way of extending existing class implementations without having to create a whole new class that inherits from the original. This is such an amazingly powerful feature! It really opens up the door to amazing possibilities. I should warn you, however, that I am extremely new to this methodology and therefore I am sure there are all sorts of things that I have yet to realize about them.

I wrote up about half an example on how to do this and decided it's not worth it. There are plenty of other really good examples already out there. Try here. He has a really good example adding a shuffle method to the NSMutableArray. Have you ever been using a class from a library and said, "Wow, this is great but I really need it to do X?" Well with this you can add your own implementation to the class and use it freely throughout your code.


Sci-Fi Fantasy Cage Matches

The guys over at Suvudu have created a cage match tournament between some of your favorite sci-fi/fantasy characters. The results are determined by our votes, however, so head over now and vote! Even if you don't vote the predicted battles are hilarious.


Song of the Week (Rocket - Goldfrapp)

This song strikes a strong nostalgic chord somewhere deep inside me. Should I like it? Probably not. Would I be happy to listen to this instead of the normal pop on the radio? Absolutely. If I'm going to listen to the radio then I want it to make me feel like I did as a kid. Sometimes you just want something light and airy. The rest of the time I assume you have your personal media device full of songs with more substance to impress your friends with.

There aren't any videos on YouTube currently that are embeddable so click here for the video. I'll keep an eye out for an embeddable version to replace this eventually.


GOLDFRAPP | MySpace Music Videos
Copyright 2009 BraiNuggets