
Song of the Week (Big Brown Eyes - Old 97's)

You may listen to this band and immediately write them off. You may think to yourself, "This is too country for my tastes." Or you may say, "This is way too poppy." That's fine, do it. But file this band away in the back of your mind. One day, somewhere in your life you will be dealing with something that is too much for you. You'll feel like you are dead and the world is pressing in around you trying to crush you like the ocean. When this happens, remember this band. Go out, buy "Too Far to Care", "Hitchhike to Rhome" and a fifth of bourbon. Let Rhett and the boys take care of you.

P.S. You will never, and I mean NEVER, see a better live show. If you ever get the chance you should absolutely take it!


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